Rules and Regulations 

Made by Cheen Ramos 

[1] Teamwork: Team work must be applied as always, especially when you we're on-duty.

[2] Respect: You must respect each other especially the High ranks, you must know your limits for joking

[3] Usage of Tools: Do not use your tools for fun, you have that tools to protect your selfs and to protect the citizen againts the crime.

[4] Usage of Uniform: Use a proper uniform according to your rank, do not use your uniform while you are off-duty for a clout.

[5] Usage of Vehicle: Using a vehicle for service is not allowed, you must use your vehicle for patrolling and to Escorts the president 

[6] War againts the other department: Do not start any war to any department, we are under with one department we must respect each other

[7] Professionalism: You must professional when you are on duty do not do any move that you know its unprofessional.

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